Just as I promised myself, first day I was home from my trip I began my sugar-free life. Today is Day 3 of absolutely no sugar, and I am actually doing okay. I have experienced a few "symptoms" of sugar withdrawal, but they have been maneagable and expected. The past few days, I have had a small bumpy rash on the back of my neck and my right arm. I have also had pain on the ball of my left foot. My foot pain certainly could be due to the fact that I did a lot of hiking on my vacation, but I thought it was interesting that the pain appeared the moment I got home and not while I was away. I pulled out one of my books on Reflexology to gain some insight. Reflexology is a therapeutic method of relieving pain by stimulating certain pressure points on the feet. Different parts of the feet are connected to different organs in the body, and interestingly the parts of my foot that hurt me correlated to my liver and my lymphatic system. I chuckled to myself, because, of course, those would be the organs involved! The liver is our body's largest "detox" organ that processes everything we eat before we eliminate it. The lymphatic system delivers fluids and transports white blood cells (which fight infection and foreign substances) throughout our bodies. Sugar is considered a foreign substance by our bodies that needs to be heavily processed by the liver before it is eliminated. (This is why alcoholics often get cirrhosis of the liver - remember, alcohol is sugar and the liver can become over-taxed when it has to process too much sugar.)
To support myself during this week of Sugar Detox, I have taken my regular vitamins, drank at least 64 ounces of water per day, consumed lots of fruits and vegetables (which contain lots of fiber to help remove the sugar and toxins from my body), eaten a good amount of protein, and tried to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. I have also added two specific supplements that are widely know to support the body during Sugar Detox: L-Glutamine, which is an amino acid that helps to burn fatty acids and balance blood sugar levels, and Chromium Picolinate, which works to assist our cells in taking in glucose and releasing energy. I have been taking the suggested dose of each supplement once a day. (L-Glutamine is taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, and Chromium Picolinate is taken with a meal). I haven't had any sugar cravings yet this week. To help with the detox, I have also been eating more fruit than usual. Fruit contains a natural sugar called fructose which has a negligible effect on blood sugar and can help to ease the transition from my prior sugar-filled life. However, I will gradually reduce the amount of fruit I am eating as the days go by, and add in more vegetables, protein, whole grains, nuts and seeds instead. Wish me luck as I continue this Sugar Detox adventure....